
Blogposts featuring Germany.

Winter in Hamburg

In recent years, we rarely had snow in Hamburg. This year however, we got a few days of snow and some freezing temperatures, so I went out and took some pictures! Temperatures went down to around -12° C in the morning. At one point I even started to hope that

Television tower Hamburg

Moving to an apartment on the sixth floor not only meant daily hikes across thousands of stairs, but also quite a view of Hamburgs television tower – the Fernsehturm Hamburg. I always thought of Hamburg as a city with mostly bad weather. It's usually cloudy, rainy, cold, maybe even foggy, slippery

Same place, different day – Der Spiegel

Earlier this year, I was out in the morning and hoping for some nice light. Going by the building of the German magazine Der Spiegel, I took a picture – and made a mental note to come back another day. Der Spiegel in bad weather.It was a gloomy morning, I

A dramatic sky above the Elbe

The forecast said fog. The whole morning a day earlier was foggy. So when I stood up and looked outside, I was delighted to see fog – with an almost clear sky above that. I was a little bummed because I missed my chance the day before. Or rather, because I
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